Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
I've been tagged!
None. Really. Several years ago I decided I was too addicted to t.v. and so I slowly weaned myself off. Plus, I don't like reality shows and I don't have cable. If I had the Travel Channel, Animal Planet, and all those goodies... but wait, there's a reason I don't get them. I know my self too well! I am currently watching 24 on dvd and loving it. I am now on season 4. I still miss Arrested Development, Friends, and Alias. All of which I would still watch if they were still on...
8 favorite restaurants:
-Bangkok Cuisine
-Esparza's (in Grapevine - does that even count?!)
-Le Madeleine's
-Macaroni Grill
-Silo ( I can afford it maybe once a year...)
-Water Street Oyster Grill (Corpus)
8 things that happened today:
-slept really well (unusual)
-went to doctor
-had another good sonogram
-heard Seth sing "Joy to the World" very sweetly to everyone in the office
-was non-queasy enough to actually cook lunch - thai food
-took a great nap
-continued re-reading Breaking Dawn
-showered AND shaved (major bonus!)
8 things I look forward to:
-being finished with Christmas shopping
-making toffee and wassail for the holidays
-seeing Seth's face on Christmas morning
-really showing instead of looking "thick"
-being through with morning sickness
-reading another good book (any suggestions?)
-seeing a movie with Kyle
-going on vacation (maybe...)
8 things I wish for:
-godly children
-a long, loving marriage
-to make more close friends here this coming year
-my Kaufman friends to move here. Sarah too.
-our house in Kaufman to sell
-healthy pregnancy
-energy to keep up with my children
-cute shoes that fit my wide feet
8 people I tag:
-Kelly (she hasn't posted since June. Maybe this will guilt her into it.)
Friday, December 5, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Fun over pizza
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Letter to Santa
Dear Santa Claus,
I'm going to give a sticker to you. Thank you for coming to our house in your sleigh. We will leave you some cookies and milk. I want to get my family presents and my presents. We will also leave you a Dr. Coke. Santa Claus loves Dr. Cokes. My name is Seth Stringer. My family names are Grammy, Papa C, Claire, Colten, Laura, Uncle Andy, Dad, Uncle Beth, GloGlo, and Pa. I would like a big polar bear to sleep with. Also, a play motorcycle and a helicopter for my own. Please get my cousin, Claire, a new tape measure- I already have one. Please bring my brother a new booster seat and a piano for his own. Also, Blake needs a new bib and some books. Please get my mom a new washrag, cause she doesn't have enough. My mom's name is Mom Stringer. My dad is Kyle.
P.S. I forgot Maddie, Roger, Katie and Gavin.
We though it was cute how he had to mention everyone by name. He was concerned for some reason that Santa would forget them if he didn't.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Pregnant - For Reals
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Haircut

Halloween and other happenings
Batman and the fat little dragon.
Side view of the dumpy dragon. Amazingly, he did not complain about his hot costume. He looked so cute toddling around I could hardle stand it.
Mom and I went to a B&B in Fredericksburg and had a great time. We shopped, ate too much chocolate and ate at really nice restaurants. The next day we hiked to the top of Enchanted rock. It was a lot of fun, but work! It is 38 stories tall. I didn't feel so bad about the chocolate after that... We hadn't been on a girl's trip since I had kids, so it was really great to get away.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Dancing montage
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Boy Who Cried Poop
Trip to Mom's
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The weekend
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sorry, Mom
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Gospel According to Seth
"So, Jesus died on the cross for us (at this point, I'm feeling warmed and proud, maybe even a little smug, because, hey, my kid talks about Jesus because we're good parents who teach their kid...) but that was after the pirates came. Yep. The pirates came, and they fought, on the ocean with their ships. And then Jesus died for our sins on the cross. But then he got back up. That's when he made the grass and water and stuff like lizards. After the pirates had left. Then he went to heaven."
Friday, September 19, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Insights of Friggs
Monday, September 8, 2008
Meet Daisy!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
How do you tame the Tasmanian Devil?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Birthday pics
Here's the first taste of sugar/chocolate in his little life!
He didn't act very excited. It was more of a hushed reverence. He looked like "Sweet manna! Where have you been?" And then he went to town on the cake.
Had to share this one! The next week I let the boys watch a movie together - the first time Blake has been even remotely interested in Baby Einstein, I might add. I love this stage because Blake finally can interact with his big brother and it is his favorite thing to do, even at the high cost of occasional attacks and frequent mishaps that result in bodily harm.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Happy Birthday, Blake!
Two days after!
Two and a half weeks old. My friend Stefanie tooks tons of beautiful pics. If you are in the Dallas area, you should use her. She rocks.
Lion head, courtesy of Friggs
His usual expression - a big smile
A toothy little grin!
Monday, August 11, 2008
For the Record
Saturday, August 2, 2008
A Week at Grammy's
This is Friggs and Scooter driving the golf cart. Scary thought
Here are some bonus pics of Blake, because, hey, he's cute.
Posted by: Kim
Friday, August 1, 2008
Back, by popular demand...
Maddie, Claire, and Seth taking a break from picking. They have the best time together, I am soooo thankful we are close enough to see them more often now. Blake and Gavin just chilled and talked to each other from strollers. We also picked some prickly pears so I can make a batch of that jelly, too. That afternoon we did one of my favorite things: crabbing. We cooned for rock crab with Roger and Beth, Mark and Tamra Blankinship, Andy and Katie, and all the kids. It was a zoo. The men were more successful in the crabbing department, as the women mostly herded children. I attempted to crab, and got only one, with Blake in a baby float attached to me by a rope. He looked like baby Moses floating in the reeds. He seemed to like it, though. Just for the record, I am aware that crabbing + baby = stupid. But, a girl's gotta try. Saturday we went to the lake with friends and just relaxed. It was an awesome weekend.
We are constantly both dumbfounded and tickled at the directives and proclamations that pop out of our mouths concerning Seth. Here are a few recent ones:
- Do not rub your steak on your leg.
- Do not throw your brother.
- Do not shove rods through rackets.
- Do not ride your brother like a horse.
I know, I know, I steal all his fun.
Posted by Kim
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008
Praise God Anyway
posted by: Kim
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Happy Anniversary
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A Birthday Wish
This last Christmas I made a video of Friggs for my mom, so I’ll include it. Just know that it only goes up through the fall so it's not totally current, and it's 4 minutes long, but hang in there for the dancing montage - it's worth it. Many, many thanks for those of you who prayed Seth here. He is quite excited about turning 4 this week!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Future blackmail
Also, look at Kimberly and Seth on a "roller coaster". Kim considers it a perk of having small children to be able to ride the kiddie rides. Seriously, she won't go near a REAL roller coaster with me, but she gets all excited about a eight-mile-an-hour ride at Sea World. At least now she can ride them without shame, "Oh, no, I don't like this ride- look, I have a little boy with me." Well, don't let her fool ya. She's having more fun than Friggs.