Sunday, November 30, 2008

Letter to Santa

Friggs wrote his first letter to Santa this past week, so I thought I would post it for all to see. He was so excited and even got to give it directly to the mailcarrier, who promised him she would make sure Santa got it. I held his hand and helped him write each word as he dictated what he wanted to say:
Dear Santa Claus,
I'm going to give a sticker to you. Thank you for coming to our house in your sleigh. We will leave you some cookies and milk. I want to get my family presents and my presents. We will also leave you a Dr. Coke. Santa Claus loves Dr. Cokes. My name is Seth Stringer. My family names are Grammy, Papa C, Claire, Colten, Laura, Uncle Andy, Dad, Uncle Beth, GloGlo, and Pa. I would like a big polar bear to sleep with. Also, a play motorcycle and a helicopter for my own. Please get my cousin, Claire, a new tape measure- I already have one. Please bring my brother a new booster seat and a piano for his own. Also, Blake needs a new bib and some books. Please get my mom a new washrag, cause she doesn't have enough. My mom's name is Mom Stringer. My dad is Kyle.
P.S. I forgot Maddie, Roger, Katie and Gavin.

We though it was cute how he had to mention everyone by name. He was concerned for some reason that Santa would forget them if he didn't.


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

That is so cute... I love that he calls you Mom Stringer and Dad, Kyle... so cute and what a great memory to treasure.

Amy Porter said...

That is too cute! He is so sweet to ask for gifts for everyone! What a sweet big brother! We miss you guys!

Sarah said...

Precious, precious boy! I love the letter! I love that he has to add a PS at the end for the ones that he forgot and that he called you Mom Stringer and that you need some washrags...I mean you're a mom what else could you possibly want???

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Loved seeing these adorable boys enjoy Christmas! What a beautiful family the Lord has blessed you with. They are a treasure! Can't wait to see you this weekend!
Mom and Chuck