Friday, March 20, 2009


Last night Kyle came home from Walmart and said, in a somewhat freaked out voice: "I think I just saw a crazy person. Seriously. Not just a little off, or weird, but seriously loonybin crazy."
Me: "Why? What were they doing?"
Kyle: "She was sitting down, cross-legged, in the middle of the baking aisle, just eating a tub of icing."
Me:"What kind? How was she eating it?"
Kyle:"It was chocolate. She was digging into it with her fingers. She never even looked up."
Me:"Hmm. Could be PMS. Sounds about right to me."


Kelly said...

I'm laughing so hard!! Are you sure it wasn't me???

Anonymous said...

She wasn't crazy, she just didn't realize there were plastic spoons on another aisle!