Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Culprit

Last week someone got into the trash and happily spread around the vaccuum cleaner gunk I had just dumped in there, as well as various other items. Hmmmm, I wonder who it could have been? Kyle, perhaps? Maybe he secretly loves a mess and only pretends to be anal. Maybe it was Seth? Maybe he thought, "Man, what could I do to really tick Mom, off?" (sometimes he does think this). But wait... the culprit left incriminating evidence at the scene of the crime. Gee, it was Blake, who'da thunk?


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...


Sarah said...

I think it was Kyle...he just put Blake's foot down to make it look like it was Blake...blame the baby. Smells very much like Kyle! ha! That's hilarious!