Did you know a tree this small could even be climbed?! When I saw him I said "Friggs! How are you ever going to get back down?!" He said, "Same way I got up here, I reckon." You know you are from Texas if your 5 year old uses "reckon." By the way, he did shimmy right back down with no problems.

We celebrated Blake's second birthday at Katie and Andy's house. We were going down anyway, and didn't want everyone to have to makc a trip the next week, so we had it there. What a great sister-in-law to host a nephew's party! He had a great time and enjoyed the cake.

Seth's first day of Kindergarten. I cried the night before, but the morning of I did fine. My sweet husband went in late to work so that we could all drop him off at school together. Seth loves it, and is doing great. He is so big!
Happy birthday, sweet Blake!!! And, holy cow...Seth is huge!! I mean, I knew he started kindergarten, but I guess forgot! Wow...it flies by. It truly seems like a couple of years ago when you had him...hello...5! Wow! Cute pictures! Oh, and thanks for our stuff...I got it in the mail a while back and forgot to tell you!
I love that he used reckon. I only wish I could have heard that! Glad kindergarten is going well and that you did well too...not the easiest thing to do.
Happy Birthday to Blake!
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