Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Brother time

We were invited to go out to Beth's family's land in Pipe Creek for New Year's day. So we went out and the kids practiced with their bb guns and .22s. We climbed trees and looked at rocks. Then we took a trip down to Pipe Creek. The kids waded around in freezing water and we chunked rocks. While we were there, Becky Whittington showed up and then Andy, Kate and fam showed up. What a wonderful surprise! I wish I had on film the look on Seth's face when Maddie and Claire came running down the hill! Being together with all his cousins is just his favorite thing in the whole world. We had a wonderfully lazy time, and then had a big cookout that night, complete with fish, shrimp, and venison. It was just a perfect day.
Blake throwing rocks with Aunt Becky

Caught a nice pic of Katie and Gavin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun time at Pipe Creek with B&R and everyone! I so love how you siblings love being together - every mom's dream! All the pics are great, but I'd especially like a copy of Katie and Gavin that you captured. So precious! Mama