You'll have to excuse different styles of the same photo. I am having so much fun with Photoshop Elements. For those of you who have Photoshop, or Elements are you aware of the FREE actions Pioneer Woman and Coffeeshop Blog offer? They are amazing! I have had and enjoyed PW's actions since last year, but I just downloaded about 15 actions off of Coffeeshop blog and am having fun playing around with them.
love the lens flare sunkissed look!
The falls from higher up

Do not be too harsh on our looks in this photo! We have on no makeup and we all slept pretty horribly.
We borrowed my parents tent since Leni and Nate don't have one, but we neglected to borrow tent poles. So, Leni and I slept in the tent with all the kids. Oh, did I mention I forgot a fan? So hot. Barely slept. Cullen kept waking up b/c he was too hot also. The men slept outside. Preston and Seth slept in the trailer and when they woke up they woke Kyle up to tell them they were going on a bike ride. Kyle looked at his watch b/c it was still dark and it was 3:45!! They went back to bed. Even without much sleep we had a wonderful time. We hiked and swam and listened to Nate play the guitar .
Cullen and Ruby mugging down. - PW's Lovely action
Sunkissed action from Coffeeshop