The Cons:
- It has been abandoned for seven years, complete with furniture and clothes in the closet, and everything has gone to pot. Filthy!
-We had to kick out a ringtail cat and a raccoon living inside and clean all the potty mess they made. Truly bad enough to be on a tv show or something.
-It has no central heat or air.
- It has no central heat or air!!!
- We have to fix the roof, foundation, and put in new insulation.
- It has a ton of other weird things wrong with it.
- It is 1500 square feet
- The third bedroom is the biggest, but it is the loft and open to below.
- It is 1 1/2 bath
- It has no dishwasher
The pros:
- this way we don't have to rent while building or move a trailer onto the property for awhile
- It sits up on a hill in a beautiful spot in the hill country
- 15 miles from church and work
-fabulous school district
-even with all the repairs, we have found a fast, good but inexpensive crew, and are still getting this place for a steal.
- My front porch runs the length of the cabin and is 9 feet deep.
- It has beautiful hardwood floors
- 9 foot wide stone fireplace
- clawfoot tub
- It does have 2 wood burning stoves, but we're not sure whether they work or not.
- We will put in window units
- Because of my general awesomeness in moving into a small place with no a/c and not complaining about it, I know my husband is going to put in 2 dishwashers into the humongous kitchen in the dream house :)
-We will get to build our dream house!
-Kyle is almost done building me an enclosed vegetable garden with raised beds!
- I am going to cover this place in roses and flowers. I have deeply missed getting my hands in the dirt.
- I have MAJOR cute plans for the inside of this place.
- I enjoy working on projects and refinishing furniture and finding bargains.
- I already found a dishwasher from craigslist.
- This is the life I want for my boys: room to shoot guns and slingshots, play capture the flag, go on adventures, swim in the creek (sometimes, it's seasonal), and camp without leaving the property!
- When we move into the house we build we are going to have an awesome guest house.
Here is a before picture:
And here is the view from the loft:
I promise to be more regular about blogging as I will have many before/after pics to share along the way.