Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Our Christmas

Stringer boys 2010. We are going to Kyle's parents for Christmas, so we opened our presents today so we wouldn't have to haul them up there. Later that morning, Seth said, "You know these Christmas presents aren't the best ones - the best one of all is that Jesus was born so that He could die for our sins." Amen!! I've never been so proud!

Kyle took the boys to a pottery place in New Braunfels and made this! He drew and painted it himself, with the boys' hand and fingerprints. What a treasure! I cannot believe I married such a talented man.

Okay, not Christmas related, but had to share. Went in to check on the boys before I went to bed the other night and couldn't find Blake anywhere. Finally, I located him asleep under the bed in a box. Why did we buy bunk beds?


Chuck and Marilyn said...

What a marvelous, creative, thoughtful gift from your wonderful hubby! Just lovely! We adore the "boy in a box" and most of all Seth telling it like it really is about Jesus! What a Merry Christmas we are having! Love,
Mama and Chuck

larshannon said...

I loved all of this post. The part about Jesus, the plate, and they boy in a box.

Similar thing happened at our house. Amy sleeps on a trundle bed that stores under the bunk bed. I couldn't find her anywhere. She was under the bunk bed instead of on her trundle.