Monday, July 27, 2009

Find the Friggs

Do you see him? This tree was completely covered in grape vine. Underneath it is just a lattice work of vines, so Friggs had a great time climbing all over. We - just Seth and I- went to New Braunfels on Sat. to pick grapes. It was good to spend some time with just him. We picked grapes and shot the slingshot at trains. Good times were had by all.

The Swamp Thing

The other morning the boys were on the couch quietly watching a movie. I went upstairs, put on my clothes, put on contacts, put my hair in a ponytail, and went back downstairs. Blake was on the kitchen counter, covered in butter, which he was, of course, eating and smearing on everything. The little toot jumped a mile when he saw me, too. Fine. I pick him up, swat him, and deposit him outside to continue getting dirty until lunch. I turned and looked at Friggs. He had decided to cut his hair. He said it was bothering him being in his eyebrows. Sheesh. I was upstairs maybe 5 minutes tops. The new 'do. Pretty cute, I admit. But I like it better longer!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Cracking me up... alot can happen in 5 min...

Amy Porter said...

Ok, I laughed OUT LOUD at the find the Friggs picture! Hilarious! And...we experienced the whole kid cut their hair I understand the AHHHHHHHHHHH feeling! :) His hair is cute, though!!

allison hanna cassady said...

You have the cutest boys!

emblair said...

Your boys are gorgeous...covered in butter and with spikey hair. Just look at those eyes!

And I can only imagine the trouble that would be had if your boys got together with Laura's son, Ian. I'm sure they would be best of friends...and partners in crime!